
学院技术亮点 信息资源 & 技术




无论是面对面, 混合动力, 或远程, however you're delivering instruction we’ve rounded up the essential technology resources, 链接, 以及你需要的支持.


  1. 登录到 我的萨克州 (和你的学院中心) 囊状态 (SacLink)帐户 并经过认证 二人组?
  2. 连接到 eduroam校园Wi-Fi?
  3. 开放和探索 Canvas, Panopto,以及你的SacState 微软365 Outlook和OneDrive等工具? (提示:始终使用M365 OneDrive来确保您的计算机已备份!)
  4. 免费下载 囊状态移动澳门博彩官网程序?
  5. 复习 网络安全? (这是全年的钓鱼季节-学习如何发现和报告诈骗)



新学期通常会带来其他变化. Make sure we can always alert you in the event of an emergency by checking and/or updating your Emergency Notification System (ENS) contact information including phone numbers and email addresses.



新面孔在IRT的照片在我们开始新的一年和新学期的时候, 我们想向校园介绍一些新面孔 红外热成像的领导:

  • Nathan Zierfuss-Hubbard,首席信息安全官
  • 凯莉·亨特,客户服务部主任
  • 马特·凯,学术技术服务部主任
  • 老尼克·斯拉多耶维奇. 基建署署长 & 操作

的se candidates competed amongst top national talent, and we're fortunate to have them on board! Both 尼克 and Matt were internal staff who progressed into their current roles, and campus will be secure thanks to Nathan's many years of service in his prior role as Information 安全 Officer at our colleague campus Stanislaus State. 凯莉带来了非凡的软、硬技能, successfully managing people-centric service experiences and delivering measurable outcomes.

Thanks again to campus for helping to interview and solidify these key technology leadership roles serving the Hornet Family!

这是内森,凯莉,马特 & 尼克


出于公共安全考虑, we've officially changed the dial out number from '9' to '7' for outbound/off-campus calls for all Avaya desktop phones and softphones. 为什么? When dialing the standard '9' then '1' then the area code and phone number, folks frequently accidentally hit a second '1' which results in a '911' call/hang-up which Campus Police must investigate each time it occurs. 的 '7' is already activated, and the '9' will be discontinued on February 15.

And remember, the switch to '7' only impacts campus desk and softphones, and 你的私人电话.


装饰图像的Sac状态密码管理器登录上的手机. 如果你去更新或管理你的Sac州立密码今年春天, 当你这样做的时候,你会注意到一个略有不同的设计体验, 加上二人组多因素身份验证安全现在到位. 查看最新消息!


A quick heads up - 二人组 will be updating their authentication experience in late February 2024. This is primarily a visual change (不 functional or user experience) and there is 不hing for you to do other than be aware of the new look so that you'll confidently 二人组 authenticate into 囊状态 systems in 2024 and beyond! 预览即将到来的内容.


笔记本电脑的图形We continue to work with colleges and divisions to provide updated laptops, 校园教职员工的坞站和监视器.

Strategically moving away from fixed desktop computers in favor of a laptop standard helps ensure continuity in all circumstances.



2024年春季新品! 最初是在COVID-19关闭期间推出的,我们已经正式推出 虚拟计算机实验室 访问, which allows students to 访问 campus Computer Lab software from their own devices whether they're on or off-campus. Be sure and promote this feature to them throughout the semester as a great alternative for 访问ing software tools they need for coursework.

的 虚拟计算机实验室 also expands your options f或远程 teaching/learning as well as supporting:

  • Customization: nearly all colleges have at least one college-specific virtual lab open for student use, but now you can also create course or major-specific 虚拟计算机实验室s if needed
  • 访问:消除了学生电脑访问受限的问题


黑板联盟标志我们鼓励学生去探索 辅助工具 built into Canvas to provide options for how they can engage with your course materials. This tool allows students to download alternative formats for course files and Canvas page content that you post to help them to see, 听到, 甚至翻译阅读材料以适应他们独特的学习需求.


为学生指出 学生技术资源(STR) 帮助他们浏览画布、缩放和其他功能 作业工具. Students also have their own specific "welcome back" resources - point them here:


管理您的SacLink (囊状态)帐户的资源, 参见密码重置选项, 注册二人组多因素身份验证, 并在我的萨克州上了解您的教师中心:




If you're still having your 二人组 authentication calls sent to a campus desk phone or mobile phone, 切换到二人组移动澳门博彩官网程序的更简单的选项. Most of us always have our mobile devices on us, which makes it possible to authenticate on the go.



Do you have a new or updated device you'd like to use for 二人组 authentication? 按照以下步骤添加新设备:



duo-is-that-you.jpgA new phishing scheme involves a scammer sending you a 二人组 push 不ification you didn't originate, 也就是说你的萨克州立大学账户被入侵了. 不要接受任何不寻常的双推和 遵循以下建议 以保护自己免受二人组洪水般的骗局.


phishme-outlook-graphic.pngCyberattacks hit inboxes frequently - brush up on what to look for at our 网络钓鱼资源,如有可疑情况,请务必使用 PhishMe Reporter按钮 在Outlook菜单中.


在校园里,你的设备应该能自动识别并连接到 eduroam,我们的官方校园网. If you have new devices - or just new to being on campus - our campus wireless section covers device-specific connection instructions. 专家提示: Depending on the age of your personal device(s) you bring to campus, you may need some 驱动程序更新 确保你的设备(笔记本电脑和手机)可以接入.

远程工作? 你也可以探索校外的其他选择:

校园无线 & 远程Internet选项



税务局学术技术服务 团队是您使用教学技术的首选资源, and offers drop-in virtual and scheduled one-on-one consultations in addition to helpful DIY resources through the 在线教学资源 (OTR)指南.

  • 在课堂内外学习教学技术工具
  • Empowering you to use the technology supporting in-person, 混合动力, and hyflex modalities
  • 通用学习设计(UDL) 原则
  • Creating digitally 访问ible, inclusive course materials to support all learners
  • 课程材料补习支持
  • Collaborative faculty support programming and learning communities in partnership with the 教与学中心


笔记本电脑的装饰图像,旧桌子正对着屏幕 每学期通过免费的, 仅供教学使用的网站托管服务. 由回收主机提供(也称为 SacSites) you'll be able to sign up for your own custom sub-domain name URL (username.sacsites.基督教社会联盟.edu) and create a digital presence connecting various mediums such as blogs, 投资组合, 维基百科, 或开源澳门博彩官网程序,如WordPress, Drupal, 标量, 和欧米卡进入你的领地.



轻松创建在线作业、测验和考试! Gradescope支持多种评估类型,包括:

  • 完全基于纸张(教师或学生上传)
  • 完全在线
  • 在线/手写混合(通过文件上传问题)
  • 代码/编程
  • 泡泡纸(替代答题卡)

Gradescope资源 & 如何的



的 Accessible 技术 Initiative (ATI) is a collaborative campus effort committed to making instructional materials 访问ible and effective for all learners.

Be proactive in your approach to supporting 访问ibility - use the built-in 画布中的同盟工具 检查您上传的教学材料是否可访问.

发现资源, 培训机会, 和支持来帮助你创造, 纠正, 创新一种引人入胜的, 兼容的, 以及为学生提供的教学材料的包容性标准.


软件、工具 & 培训

1月和2月提供培训课程! 您是这些基本工具的新手(或需要复习)吗? 参加即将到来的虚拟培训课程或查看录音:


杂技演员签资源 & 培训


OnBase资源 & 培训

onbase_logo.png看看它的生长 OnBase表单库 which includes helpful search and other functionalities (form description, 联系谁),以便更容易找到教职员工的OnBase表格.


Traditional, Hybrid, HyFlex - learn how to use the technology in University learning spaces. 查看DIY和咨询的机会.


教室里有什么新鲜事? 发现校园学习空间提供了什么,以及如何使用它!

想测试一下课堂技术? Schedule a consultation with the IRT Learning Space Services (LSS) team, 你可以在校内的培训室里使用这些工具进行练习吗.



新的或需要更新? 这张表格分享了每个web会议工具的最佳实践.

虽然设计时考虑到了校园员工和教职员工的参与 《混合式会议:如何主持 & 参加“ 传单对你的学生也很有用, including helpful tips for structuring remote learning recordings to help optimize student 访问 and engagement. 另外,请浏览 变焦师资资源 为了更深入的探索.

混合式会议:如何主持 & 参加


通过加入 教育工作者使用技术微软团队组 或寻求技术支持:
