
卡内基重新分类 锚大学


About 卡内基分类 for 社区参与

卡内基分类 is a nationally recognized and prestigious designation for institutions to demonstrate their commitment to community engagement, which refers to the collaboration and partnership between institutions of higher education and their larger communities for the mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge and resources. 的 classification process is intended to improve educational effectiveness of the campus through institutionalizing community engagement.

萨克拉门托 State was one of 119 colleges and universities to be named a Carnegie Community-Engaged Campus by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching in 2020. We first received this classification in 2010 and again in 2015 and have made great strides as an 锚大学 to maintain this nationwide and prestigious designation. We are due for re-classification in 2026.

囊状态’s commitment to community engagement goes hand in hand with its 锚大学 Initiative. This commitment continued most notably with the creation of the 锚大学 Task Force in Fall 2018 and, 随后, the creation of the 锚大学 Advisory Council in Fall 2020 to support our Anchor mission. 作为一所锚定大学, 萨克拉门托 State has a vested interest in the well-being of the 萨克拉门托 Region and strives to support and improve the quality of life in the community in which we serve. As a place-based institution, the University aims to bring the full weight of its intellectual and economic readiness to support the growth and flourishing of the city and region -- most especially, to address those neighborhoods and communities that have historically been underrepresented and underserved.”


As in previous re-classification cycles, a steering committee on the 卡内基分类 for 社区参与 is working to gather evidence and craft a narrative that demonstrates depth and pervasiveness of engagement across the university (in terms of level of collaboration, 互惠, 股本, 等.), as well as the quality of community engagement and community partnerships. To demonstrate high quality engagement that is deeply embedded across all programs and divisions, this group has been looking for "engagement" across all aspects of the campus. 截至2023年, the steering committee works in collaboration with the 锚大学 Advisory Council to support continual improvement of our engagement efforts.

For the next re-classification report, we will be gathering evidence and crafting a narrative that:

  • demonstrates the changes the campus has made to strengthen institutionalized campus engagement since the last time we were classified
  • demonstrates that mutually beneficial, 公平的, and 互惠 engagement is deeply embedded across all programs and divisions, 包括预算, 战略计划, RTP文档, 学生课程, 课余活动, 规划, 等.
  • demonstrates the effective use of assessments related to community engagement to promote impactful engagement and address concerns about diversity, 公平与包容.

卡内基重新分类 Powerpoint


萨克拉门托 State is pursuing re-classification because it reflects our ongoing commitment to high-quality community engagement. As demonstrated by our identity as an 锚大学, 囊状态 prides its engagement as a key component of who we are and what we do.

  • 作为锚定大学, community engagement is a vital part of our identity and culture (who we are and what we do).
  • 的 re-classification process provides a mechanism for thorough evaluation into whether our engagement is deep and pervasive (where we are now).
  • 的 re-classification process also offers an opportunity to identify areas for future institutional change so that our engagement may be more collaborative, 互惠, and 公平的 over time (where we want to be).  


Under the auspices of 学术事务 represented by Dr. David Zeigler, Vice Provost (Interim) for Student Academic Success, and Dr. James German, Dean of 本科阶段的学习, the 卡内基重新分类 Process will be led by: :

  • Dr. Erin Rose Ellison, Associate Professor, Psychology Department (Lead Facilitator)
  • Dr. Chong Choe-Smith, Associate Professor, Philosophy Department (Lead Facilitator)
  • Dr. Dana Kivel, Professor, Recreation, Park & Tourism 政府 Department (Consultant)