
包容性卓越学习 Office for Cultural Transformation


Promote 囊状态 Becoming Showcase: Advancing the AICP (2024)


Our campus came together to mark the wonderful progress that we've made toward fulfilling the Antiracism and 公司lusive Campus Action Plan (AICAP). We were so happy that so many Hornets were able to join us for our Promote 囊状态 Becoming Showcase: Advancing the AICP.

The showcase allowed our campus to share and promote high-impact practices and demonstrate our progress and continued commitment to 成为 一个反种族主义和包容的校园. We highlighted research and many services, 项目, 校园项目, and initiatives that have been developed, 制度化, and sustained toward fulfilling the goals of the AICAP. During the day, a graphic facilitator visually captured the essence and key themes of the Showcase. Over 40 campus partners shared how their work is leading 囊状态 toward 成为 an antiracist and inclusive campus, demonstrating our collective commitment to progress.We also hosted a resource fair, a satellite Stinger Studio Makerspace, and a 讲故事的展位. We had nearly 500 participants who came to witness how far we've come in our effort to BECOME a more inclusive and just campus where we all feel valued and that we belong.

Student Sumaya Mayaar and President Wood sitting in armchairs.
Student Sumaya Mayaar and President Wood in conversation.


We were thrilled to have our very own President Luke Wood as the featured keynote speaker for the Promote 囊状态 Becoming Showcase!

President Luke Wood delivered an inspiring keynote speech, reinvigorating 萨克拉门托 State's unwavering dedication to 多样性, 股本, 包容, 归属感, 与正义(DEIBJ). With a vision for a brighter future, he illuminated the challenges ahead, urging all attendees to embrace their roles as catalysts for positive change. President Wood celebrated the rich diversity of our community, proudly recognizing 萨克拉门托 State's status as a Hispanic-Serving Institution and honoring our vibrant Asian American Pacific Islander population. 强调我们的共同旅程, he reiterated our aspiration to evolve into a Black-Serving Institution, igniting a sense of purpose and empowerment among all who seek to create a campus where every individual feels valued, 听到, 和拥抱.

Photograph of President Luke Wood at a podium.


一整天, graphic facilitator Raven Tahara captured the essence of the event by visually documenting key themes and notes from our dynamic speakers and discussions. These inspiring illustrations beautifully portray the overall message of the Showcase.

图形的主持人 Raven Tahara illustrates the keynote speech.

图形的主持人's Illustrations





The illustrations above can also be viewed using the link below.



Over 40 campus partners presented during the Showcase, outlining their work toward advancing the AICP and contributing to diversity, 股本, 包容, 归属感, 和正义(DEIBJ)在我们的校园. Below are some images of our wonderful presenters and workshop leaders.


Presenter holding a microphone in front of a screen.

Presenter in front of a movie screen.

Presenters engaging with their audience.


Satellite Stinger Studio Makerspace

The Stinger Studio set up a satellite Makerspace for the day, offering visitors a chance to learn about their work and make buttons.

Student creates a button at the makerspace.


The resource fair offered visitors opportunities to meet and learn more about our campus partners and all the ways they are advancing the AICP in their part of the university.

Students and volunteers surround a booth at the resource fair.


The 在餐桌上运动 session allowed participants to take action and solve real 股本 dilemmas that our campus needs to address as part of our collective roles in advancing the AICP.

Graphic facilitator Raven Tahara captures key themes from the at-the-table activism.


Our 讲故事的展位 provided a space for visitors to talk about how they've experienced antiracism and 包容 on our campus and why these are key values for our institution. Participants' stories were compiled into a short video, which you can watch by clicking the link below.

AICP Showcase 2024: 讲故事的展位 Stories


The link below provides the full Showcase program, 包括当天的日程安排, and descriptions of all the presentations and workshops that occurred.


新闻 Coverage of the 2024 Showcase

Check out news coverage of the Promote 囊状态 Becoming Showcase!

